Method and time of processing. Operating solution consumption
Spraying one time per month
Cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye, millet, and triticale)
Pre-sowing seed treatment - at least 2 hours before sowing. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in the tillering phase, exit into the tube, at intervals of not less than 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils, green beans, chickpeas, beans)
Pre-sowing seed treatment - at least 2 hours before sowing. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in the phase of appearance of 2-4 real leaves, the beginning of fruit formation, with an interval of at least 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Pre-sowing seed treatment - at least 2 hours before sowing. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in phases: 1-2 pairs of real leaves, branching, beginning of fruit formation. Operating solution consumption 200-250 l/ha
Pre-sowing seed treatment - at least 2 hours before sowing. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in the phase of appearance of the 1st pair of real leaves, 3-4 pairs of real leaves and 7-9 pairs of real leaves. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Rape, bird rape, camelina, oilseed radish and other industrial crops
Pre-sowing treatment of seeds not less than 2 hours before sowing. The operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in the phase of 1-2 real leaf, rosette-branching, pod formation. Operating solution consumption 150-200 l/ha
Pre-sowing seed treatment - at least 2 hours before sowing. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of vegetating plants in the period of forming 2-3 leaves before flowering at intervals of 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Cabbage, carrots, sugar and red beet
Pre-sowing seed treatment. Soaking for 6-10 hours. Solution consumption of 0.3 l/kg
Spraying in 2-4 weeks and 5-7 weeks after sowing seedlings. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Pre-sowing seed treatment. Soaking for 6-10 hours. Solution consumption of 0.3 l/kg
Soil cultivation before sowing or 3 days before planting. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Spraying in 2-4 weeks and 5-7 weeks after sowing seedlings. Operating solution consumption not less than 300 l/ha
Tomato, sweet pepper, eggplant
Pre-sowing seed treatment. Soaking for 6-10 hours. Solution consumption of 0.3 l/kg
Soil cultivation before sowing or 3 days before planting. Operating solution consumption 300 l/ha
Spraying 2-3 weeks after sowing seedlings and before flowering. Solution consumption 200-300 l/ha
Pre-sowing treatment of seeds and bulbs. Operating solution consumption 0.2 l/kg of seeds
Spraying in the phase of 4-5 leaves, 2nd and 3rd treatment with an interval of 10-13 days.
Etching of tubers in advance before planting by spraying or short-term immersion of nets with tubers in the operating solution. Operating solution consumption 10-15 l/t
Spraying of plants with the appearance of 4 leaves and before flowering, at intervals of 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 200-300 l/ha.
Annual and perennial grasses
Pre-sowing seed treatment. Operating solution consumption 0.2 l/kg of seeds
Spraying at the beginning of growth; the following treatment should be done after each mowing. Solution consumption 120-250 l/ha.
Pre-sowing seed treatment. Soaking for 6-10 hours. Solution consumption of 0.3 l/kg
Soil cultivation before sowing or 3 days before planting. Operating solution consumption 300 l/ha
Plant-root fertilization: 2-6 times during the growing season at intervals of 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 5-10 l/m2
Soaking before planting seedlings with bare root system for 3-4 hours
Flower-decorative cultures
Spraying plants during the growing season 2-6 times before and after flowering, at intervals of 10-13 days. The operating solution consumption according to the water application rate.
Plant-root fertilization 2 times during the growing season at intervals of 10-13 days. Operating solution consumption 5-10 l/m2
During the period of their active growth, water the plants 1 time in 10-13 days, the rest of the time, water 1 time in 1-1.5 months
For crops with easily decomposing straw (peas, spring wheat, barley, etc.), the consumption of the drug is 12-15 l/ha, for crops with difficultly decomposing straw (rapeseed, corn, sunflower, beet, etc.), the consumption of the drug is up to 20 l/ha. The consumption of the working solution is 120-300 l/ha. To enhance destruction, the drug should be used in a tank mixture with ammonium nitrate (2-3 kg/ha).